Mission Statement:

I have been obsessed with movies since I was a little kid. My first movie at the theaters was Pokémon 2000, at three years old with my mom. I was so freaked out when the lights went down and the giant speakers came on that my mom says she looked down at me and asked, “Do you want to sit in my lap?” To which I responded yes, and crawled into her lap to enjoy Ash, Pikachu, and gang in the safety of her arms. For the next few years until I was no longer afraid of the darkness whenever we went to the movies I always asked, “Are we going to the big dark?” Movies have been a big part of childhood and now adulthood. Like many of you, I remember going to Blockbuster every Friday evening, ordering a pizza, and huddling on the couch with my folks to enjoy a movie together. I still enjoy those moments and thanks to streaming services, I even enjoy the occasional Netflix and chill dates. Movies and television have changed since I was a little kid growing up in the early and mid-2000s. We as the audience have grown up as well, with the new and mature content out it can be hard to contextualize what all these shows and films are trying to say.


That is what I want this space to be, not just my voice offering my thoughts and opinions; but hopefully, you will join in and we can create a community of people who love watching and talking about this media. I promise to offer constructive criticism when it comes to dissecting these pieces of work, while also applauding the creators involved.

Don’t wait for permission to do something creative.
— Ava DuVernay

From the directors to actors, and crew members that help create these films and works of television, I promise to only critique the work and not the personal lives of the people involved. I hope that if you choose to engage that you will remain objective and only focus on the artists' body of work.

Comment on the work that the artists make and not themselves.

We all have our opinions, and only when it is relevant to the work will I bring in my personal opinions of the actors and actresses as it pertains to news or note-worthy discussion. Please join me on this journey, and help along the way as this burgeoning cinephile dives headfirst into her passion.